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Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 191

Ukrainian Lawyers Association of America records

Identifier: 078
Dates: Undetermined

Ukrainian National Chorus autograph book

Identifier: 087
Scope and Contents This collection consists of an autograph book maintained by Ukrainian National Chorus. It contains inscriptions in a wide variety of European languages, at times with text of reactions and well-wishes. The front cover end paper has a typed note: "Памяткова книга автографів хору Олександра Кошиця /1919-1923/. Вислови признання дириґентові й хорові підчас виступів у Чехословаччині, Польщі, Німеччині, Франції, Еспанії, Портуґалії, Юґославії, Італії, Мексику, Арґентині, Бразилії. Подарував...
Dates: 1919 - 1923

Ukrainian Student Hromada (New York, NY) records

Identifier: 135
Scope and Contents Contains textual and audio-visual materials related to the Ukrainian Student Hromada. In addition to audiocassettes and film reels, the collection includes published written materials, such as issues of “New Directions” or the periodical “Student.” Other documents include materials for the Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America (SUSTA), proceedings of the World Conference of the Ukrainian Students, along with meeting programs, posters and programs of the Ukrainian...
Dates: 1969 - 1974

Ukrainian Writers' Association in Exile "Slovo" records

Identifier: 074
Scope and Contents

The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence, works, autobiographies, biographies, bibliographies, administrative records, financial records, photographs of the members of the association. There are also files related to various organizations in USA, such as “Samopomich”, “Ob’iednannia mysttsiv Ukraintsiv v Amerytsi”, and others.

Dates: 1914 - 1999

Collection of ephemera on Ukrainians in Poland

Identifier: 062
Scope and Contents This collection contains ephemera related to the opening of the Ukrainian student dormitory in Bilyi Bir (Biały Bór), including a pennant, a medal with Shevchenko image, two lapel buttons, and Stetcko "postage stamps". It also has unrelated items, including a photograph of the 1923 Ukrainian caucus in the Polish Sejm, a transcription of a 1946 article in "Visti UDKomitetu v Bel'hii", and "Manifest Ukrains'koi Parliamentarnoi Reprezentatsii do ukrains'koho narodu halyts'koi i volodymyrs'koi...
Dates: 1916 - 1989; Majority of material found within 1988 - 1989

Ukrains’ka Holovna Vyzvol’na Rada records

Identifier: 055
Dates: Undetermined

Vasyl Verhun papers

Identifier: 162
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of writings, biographical materials, notes, and diaries by Vasyl Verhan (1909-1981), a Ukrainian editor, journalist and literary scholar. The collection also contains writings by others.

Dates: 1879 - 1984

Collection on Pavlo Virs’kyi

Identifier: 168
Dates: Undetermined

Arystyd Virsta letters to Sviatoslav Hordyns’kyi

Identifier: 096
Scope and Contents

This collection contains photocopies of approximately 20 letters written by Arystyd Virsta (Aristide Wirsta) to the artist Sviatoslav Hordyns'kyi, mostly on topics related to art projects and museums.

Dates: 1970 - 1977