Ukrainian National Chorus autograph book
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of an autograph book maintained by Ukrainian National Chorus. It contains inscriptions in a wide variety of European languages, at times with text of reactions and well-wishes. The front cover end paper has a typed note: "Памяткова книга автографів хору Олександра Кошиця /1919-1923/. Вислови признання дириґентові й хорові підчас виступів у Чехословаччині, Польщі, Німеччині, Франції, Еспанії, Портуґалії, Юґославії, Італії, Мексику, Арґентині, Бразилії. Подарував бібліотеці НТШ Кіндрат Плохий через чемність Івана Пуйо, 1985." ("Souvenier book of autographs of the Oleksandr Koshyts' chorus /1919-1923/. Expressions of appreciation to the conductor and chorus during the period of performances in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. Donated to the NTSh library by Kindrat Plokhyi through the graciousness of Ivan Puio, 1985"). The third page has the signature of Oleksandr Koshyts'. Among those who signed the book are such notable individuals as Mexican president Álvaro Obregón.
- Creation: 1919 - 1923
Conditions Governing Access
This collection has no restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Photocopies are forbidden due to the fragile nature of the book. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.
Description Control
The title of this collection was changed from "Oleksander Koshyts’ papers" to "Ukrainian National Chorus autograph book" by Michael Andrec in 2024.
0.1 Linear Feet (1 bound volume)
Language of Materials
Multiple languages
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository