Showing Collections: 131 - 140 of 191
Antin Rudnyts’kyi papers
This collection contains holograph musical scores by Antin Rudnyts'kyi, including sketches and drafts of the operas "Kniahynia Ol'ha" and "Anna Iaroslavna", as well as works for solo piano, chamber works, works for voice and piano and chorus and orchestra, and other compositions. In addition to notated music, it also contains correspondence and writings about music.
Rukh 2nd Congress records
Ewhen and Jaroslawa Salamacha papers
Petro Samutyn papers
Volodymyr Savyts’kyi papers
Oleksander Semenenko papers
This collection contains the personal and professional materials of Oleksander Semenenko, including correspondences, writings, notes, radio scripts and ephemera, such as a Semenenko’s ex libris and stamp collection. Published materials comprise of articles by Semenenko and others, newspaper clippings, and excerpts of books.
Pavlo Shandruk papers
Lev Shankovs’kyi papers
Nykyfor Shcherbyna papers
The collection consists of correspondence, writings, personal documents and a photograph of Nykyfor Panasovych Shcherbyna (1900-1977), a Ukrainian poet and translator. The collection also contains materials related to Kubans’kyi Narodnyi Komitet and writings by others.
Iuliian Sheparovych papers
This collection contains personal documents, genealogical information, death announcements, clippings and copies of published materials, song lyrics, documents of Zenon Sheparovych, loose family photographs, 3 photograph albums, and a painting on board.