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Nykyfor Shcherbyna papers

Identifier: 156

Scope and Contents

The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence, writings, personal documents and photograph of Nykyfor Shcherbyna as well as of writings by others. Correspondence with individuals and organizations in Ukrainian, Russian, English and French includes substantial correspondence with the Ukrainian émigré writers Iaroslava Ostruk and Olena Vasyleva as well as with Ivan Manylo, an editor of Volosozhar. Writings include poems, aphorisms, a diary, essays and articles. It also contains manuscripts of the poems written in 1921-1923 as well as poems which were compiled into Shcherbyna’s three collections of poetry. It also contains a 1945 diary, as well as several articles, e.g. on Volodymyr Svidzins’kyi. The collection also includes autobiographical articles and documents, including a passport and publishing plans in the US, as well a documents related to the Kuban' committee, and an undated clipping with photograph of Nykyfor Shcherbyna. Also included are works by four authors and a collection of aphorisms by various authors that were compiled by Shcherbyna.


  • Creation: 1918 - 1970

Biographical / Historical

Nykyfor Panasovych Shcherbyna (1900-1977), a Ukrainian poet and translator, was born in the stanitsa Starokurs’ka in the Kuban region. In 1922, Shcherbyna enrolled into literary and historical faculty at Kuban Pedagogical Institute. In 1923, he transferred to a faculty of language and literature of Kyiv Institute. During his life in Kyiv, he became a member of the literary group “Hart” and the Association of Panfuturists.

In 1926, Shcherbyna left his studies and moved to the Kuban region. In 1927, Shcherbyna moved to Kharkiv. This period of his literary career Shcherbyna himself considered both the period of development and discouragement. He actively participated in the literary life of the city and was published in various literary magazines and newspapers: Vaplite, Chernovyi Shliakh, Hart, Vsesvit, Literaturnyi iarmarok, Nova hromada, Uchytel’s’ka hazeta.

In 1929, Shcherbyna’s first poetry collection “Ranok” was published. In 1930, the second collection “Homin budniv” was published. Shcherbyna’s poetry was criticized by official literati and his own works were not published in the years 1931-1941.

In 1934, Shcherbyna’s translation of Chekhov’s short stories “Kashtanka” was criticized by publishing house “Molodyi Bilshovyk” and he was accused of the “language nationalism” (“natsionalism u movi”).

At the end of World War II, Shcherbyna moved to Germany. In 1950, he emigrated to the United States. In the United States, Shcherbyna’s writings were published in magazines and newspapers. In 1969, Shcherbyna’s collection of children poetry “Prolisky” came out. Nykyfor Shcherbyna died in 1977.

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This collection has no restrictions.

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Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.


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Language of Materials







The collection consists of correspondence, writings, personal documents and a photograph of Nykyfor Panasovych Shcherbyna (1900-1977), a Ukrainian poet and translator. The collection also contains materials related to Kubans’kyi Narodnyi Komitet and writings by others.

Ostap Kin, edited by Michael Andrec
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository

63 4th Ave.
New York NY 10003-5202 USA