Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 191
Maria Strutyns’ka Papers
This collection consists of correspondence, articles, plays, a memoir, diaries, family and personal documents, and photographs of Mariia Strutyns’ka (1897-1984), a Ukrainian writer and community activist. The collection also contains personal documents belonging to her parents, Vasyl’ and Melania Navrots’kyi, files related to the Ukrainian Writers’ Association in Exile “Slovo”, and Matirnyi Soiuz Ukrainok.
George Stukalich papers
This collection contains materials of George (Iurii) Stukalich (Стукаліч), primarily correspondence and ephemera. Among the contents are flyers and ephemera of MUR (Mystets'kyi Ukrains'kyi Rukh) from the 1940s.
Mykola Tanchak papers
This collection contains correspondence and financial documents of Mykola Tanchak, as well as photographs and postcards.
Valentyna Tarasenko poetry manuscripts
Ian Tokarzhevs’kyi-Karashevych papers
Collection on Transcarpathian Ukraine
Stefan Tsymbala papers
This collection consists of materials related to Stefan Tsymbala, including official documents, writings, notes, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera such as certificates, medals, and stamps. Additionally, there are third party materials, such as publications, newspaper clippings, and articles on the Centennial of the Ukrainian Academic Gymnasium in L'viv. Finally, materials related to a court case involving Maria and Pavlo Tsymbala are also included.
Ukrainian Art and Literary Club (New York, NY) records
This collection contains meeting minutes and other records related to the activity of the Ukrainian Art and Literary Club.
Collection of Ukrainian educational records
This collection contains a variety of Ukrainian education records that are unrelated by archival provenance. It includes photocopies of education records of Paraska Varii (1904-1906) and the following original items: Ukrainian Free University records for Bohdan Chomiak and Dmytro Tkachuk, a Ukrainian Student Association in Munich membership card of Fedir Bodnarchuk (1947-1950), and course list of Roman Rondiak at the Ukrains'ka Vysoka Tekhnichna Shkola u L'vovi (1920-1924)
Collection of Ukrainian election campaign materials
This collection contains clippings, campaign flyers, candidate position statements, and similar materials from elections in Ukraine in 1990 and 1994. It also contains published writings and reports concerning those elections.