Oleksander Fylypovych papers
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence and writings by Oleksander Fylypovych. The writings consist of articles, notes, poems, and translations. There are also subject files on Pavlo Fylypovych, Mykola Zerov, Pavlo Fylypovych, and Iurii Klen, which mostly consist of articles written by Oleksander Fylypovych. There are two photographs, one of which depicts Oleksander Fylypovych. There are also several articles by other people, including an article about the Kyiv Neoclassical Group by an unidentified author written in German.
- Creation: 1925 - 1976
Biographical / Historical
Oleksander Fylypovych (1902-1986) was a Ukrainian chemist, literary researcher, and translator. He was born on February 23, 1902 in a village of Kaitanivka, Zvenyhorod district, Kyiv gubernia. Oleksander Fylypovych was a younger brother of Pavlo Fylypovych (1891-1937), a prominent Ukrainian poet and literary scholar. In 1922-1926, Fylypovych studied chemistry at Kyivs’kyi Instytut Narodnoi Osvity. In 1935-1941 Fylypovych worked as an assistant in the chemistry department at the Second Medical Institute in Kyiv. In July 1941 he was conscripted into the Red Army and eventually was detained by the German army. After his release, Fylypovych returned to Kyiv to teach at the same institution. In 1943 Fylypovych moved to Berlin, but at first lived in Vinnytsia and Lviv. In 1949, Fylypovych immigrated to the United States. Fylypovych compiled and prefaced Pavlo Fylypovych’s collection of poem, Poezii (Munich, 1957). He also conducted research and wrote scholarly articles about Pavlo Fylypovych, Iurii Klen, Mykola Zerov, Mykhailo Drai-Khmara, Mykhailo Orest, Maksym Ryl’s’ky, among others. Fylypovych also translated from English and Russian into Ukrainian. He was a member of the Ob’iednannia Ukrains’kykh Pys’mennykiv “Slovo”. Fylypovych died on April 10, 1986 in Minneapolis.
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is unprocessed or partially processed. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives to determine the extent of access that is currently possible.
Conditions Governing Use
Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main shevchenko.org website to view the full archives use policy.
Description Control
This collection is not yet fully processed and the information provided here is based on legacy collection records and/or a general survey. This descriptive information may be supplemented or revised as further processing is performed.
0.5 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
This collection is arranged in five series: Series I: Correspondence, 1957-1975 Series II: Writings, 1955-1971, undated Series III: Subject Files, 1925-1972, undated Series IV: Photographs, 1976, undated Series V: Works by others, undated
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository