Kalenyk Lysiuk papers
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the collection consists of personal and business correspondence and photographs of Kalenyk Lysiuk, as well as material of cultural and political nature. Among the personal correspondence are letters with original signatures of Ievhen Shukhevych and Ievhen Petrushevych, and the correspondence with organizations includes letters from the Provid Ukrains’kykh natsionalistiv and the Ukrainian Military Organization. There is also the protocol of 1918 Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty as well as calls for fundraising in L’viv in pre-war times. Other materials include articles on musical events in pre-war L’viv, advertisements of cultural and political events in New York in the 1970s, and monitoring reports of Soviet Ukrainian press by Radio Free Europe in 1989.
- Creation: 1854 - 1989
Biographical / Historical
Kalenyk Lysiuk (born Vasyl’ Lepykash; 1887-1980) was a Ukrainian civil activist, businessman, and philanthropist.He was born in the village of Velyka Bubnivka, Podil gubernia of the Russian Empire (now in Khmelnytskyi oblast, Ukraine). As a youth, he resided with his uncle in Odesa, where he became involved with underground socialist and radical organizations, including the Socialist-Revolutionaries. In 1909, Lysiuk was sentenced to twenty years of internal exile in Siberia. However, after 18 months of imprisonment in Irkuts'k, he managed to escape and assumed the name Kalenyk Lysiuk. In 1916, Lysiuk completed his education in Petrograd. He played a role in organizing the Ukrainian Free Cossacks in Proskuriv in 1917 and served as a sergeant major in the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic from 1918 to 1920.
In 1923, Lysiuk immigrated to the United States and established a business selling postage stamps in New York. Four years later, he founded the settlement of "Nova Ukraina" in New Market, New Jersey, where he conducted his business affairs. During the 1930s, Lysiuk traveled extensively throughout Europe, visiting cultural centers such as Lviv, Khust, and others, where he generously contributed funds to various institutions, including the Dim invalidiv in Lviv, the Muzei vyzvol’noi borot’by in Prague, the Ukrains'ka hospodars'ka akademiia in Poděbrady, Czechoslovakia, and the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin. After World War II, Lysiuk relocated to Ontario, California, where he purchased a home and established the Ukrainian National Museum, serving as its curator until it merged with the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago in 1958. From 1958 onwards, he served as the head of the Ukrainian and American Foundation, which he had founded. Lysiuk actively engaged in American civic life, maintaining a longstanding membership in the Republican Party since 1929.
He was an author of several collections of articles: “For Land and Freedom” (1930), “V oboroni ukrains’koi pravdy” (1954), “Khto popovnyv natsional’nyi zlochyn” (1961), “Narod khoche znaty pravdy” (1967). He was an editor and publisher of the bilingual magazine “Our ways” (1940) and a quarterly “Na Slidakh”, “Muzeini visti”, “Buleten’ Ukrains’ko-Amerykans’koi Fundatsii”. Kalenyk Lysiuk died on August 12, 1980 in Alta Loma, California.
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This collection has no restrictions.
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Description Control
The information here is based on legacy accession files and descriptions, and it has not necessarily been verified against the actual archival materials. It is provided in order to facilitate maximal accessibility for researchers. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives with questions or requests for clarification.
0.15 Linear Feet (9 folders)
Language of Materials
The collection consists of correspondence and photographs of Kalenyk Lysiuk (1905-1993), Ukrainian civil activist, businessman and benefactor. There are also some political and financial documents and various materials
This collection is arranged in four series: Series I: Correspondence, 1920-1938 Series II: Documents, 1918-1936, undated Series III: Photographs, 1914-1958, undated Series IV: Various, 1854-1989
- Title
- Lysiuk, Kalenyk papers
- Author
- GG
- Date
- 2024
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository