Oleksander Al’chevs’kyi papers
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of copies of two documents from the 1920s regarding the matter of an estate in the Kharkiv region owned by Krystyna Alchevs’ka, Oleksa Alchevs’kyi’s widow. One document refers to the sale of movable property to Mykola Shabelskyi. The second document (6 pages) refers to the sale of the estate to Mykola Shabelskyi. In the document, Krystyna Alchevs’ka refuses to prohibit the construction of structures on the estate’s grounds, and acknowledges the protection of the bust of Taras Shevchenko which stands there. The protection of the bust was the will of her deceased husband.
- Creation: 1920s
Conditions Governing Access
This collection has no restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main shevchenko.org website to view the full archives use policy.
Description Control
The information here is based on legacy accession files and descriptions, and it has not necessarily been verified against the actual archival materials. It is provided in order to facilitate maximal accessibility for researchers. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives with questions or requests for clarification.
0.01 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository