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Bohdan Hoshovs’kyi collection on Oleksander Lotots’kyi

Identifier: 010

Scope and Contents

The bulk of the collection consists of letters by various people to Bohdan Hoshovs’kyi, an editor of a book about Oleksander Lotots’kyi. The collection also contains works by O. Lotots’kyi as well as the materials about him by various authors, including writings about Oleksander Lotots’kyi by Borys Lotots’kyi (his son) and Roman Smal-Stost’kyi (who was his co-worker in Warsaw), a Lotots’kyi bibliography and some notes regarding Oksana Tokazhevs’ka Karashevych, O. Lotots’kyi’s daughter.


  • Record Keeping: circa 1970-circa 1985
  • Creation: 1896 - 1985

Biographical / Historical

Oleksander Hnatovych Lotots’kyi (1870-1939), Ukrainian political and civil activist, scholar and professor, was born in the village of Bronnytsia near the city of Mohyliv in Podolia gubernia. In 1881, he enrolled in the Kyiv Theological Academy and graduated in 1896. In 1896, he became a member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in L’viv, and was a full member from 1900.

From 1891, he led an active literary and scholarly career. He was a co-founder of the Vik publishing house. In 1899, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived for almost 20 years. From 1900 to 1917 he worked in the office of state controller in Kyiv and St. Petersburg. During World War I Lototsky served as a gubernial commissioner of Bukovina and Pokuttia. In 1917 he was also one of the organizers of the Ukrainian National Council in St. Petersburg. He was a secretary of the "Blahodiine tovarystvo vydannia zahal’nokorysnykh i deshevykh knyh" and a member of the Association of Ukrainian Progressionists. In 1917, he became an inspector of the Bukovina and Pokuttia provinces. His positions in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) government included secretary general, state comptroller, and minister of religious affairs. In the latter position, he was instrumental in the proclamation of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on January 1, 1919. In 1919-1920, he was an ambassador of the UNR to Turkey.

In 1922 he moved to Prague, after brief stays in Bucharest and Vienna, and was appointed professor of Canon Law at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague. He was a founder and head of the "Respublikans’ko-demokratychnyi Klub" and a member of the "Ukrains’ke istorychno-filolohichne tovarystvo". In 1927-1930, he was a Minister of Internal Affairs in the UNR government in exile. In 1929, he was invited to work at the history department at Warsaw University. In 1930-1938, he was a founder and director of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Warsaw. In the 1930s, he was invited to become a member of Warsaw Scientific Society. Oleksander Lotots’kyi was in charge of the Committee at the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Warsaw responsible for publishing Taras Shevchenko’s works in 14 volumes. Later those volumes were reprinted by the Mykola Denysiuk publishing house in Chicago.

Lotots’kyi wrote a memoir entitled “Storinky myhuloho” in three volumes, and a fourth volume "U Tsarhorodi". He also wrote many books for children, including a primer entitled “Vinok”. On October 22, 1939, a German bomb hit the fourth floor of the building where Oleksander Lotots’kyi lived. He tried to save his archives and library by moving them to the basement from his apartment. While doing so, he caught pneumonia and died in the hospital in 1939 in Warsaw.

Conditions Governing Access

This collection has no restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.

Description Control

The title of this collection was changed from "Oleksander Lotots’kyi papers" to "Bohdan Hoshovs’kyi collection on Oleksander Lotots’kyi" by Michael Andrec in 2023.


0.25 Linear Feet

Language of Materials




This collection consists of published writings of and bibliography on Oleksander Hnatovych Lotots’kyi (1870-1939), a Ukrainian scholar and civil/political leader. The collection also contains correspondence regarding the publication of a book dedicated to Oleksander Lotots’kyi, and other writings about him.


This collection is arranged in 3 series:

  1. Correspondence, 1973-1981
  2. Writings of Oleksander Lotots’kyi, 1896-1959
  3. Materials about O. Lotots’kyi and Naukovyi Instytut u Varshavi, 1934-1985

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of Bohdan Hoshovs’kyi in Toronto.

Processing Information

Collection was processed by Katia Davydenko in 2012.

Finding aid written by Ostap Kin in 2012 and edited by Michael Andrec in 2023.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository

63 4th Ave.
New York NY 10003-5202 USA