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Stephen Welhasch papers

Identifier: 193

Scope and Contents

This collection primarily contains materials related to the activity of Stephen Welhasch in the organizations Prolog Research, Prolog Video, the Committee for the Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners (CDSPP), the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (Ukrains'ka Holovna Vyzvol'na Rada, UHVR), and the "Chetver" Ukrainian radio program, as well as his desk notes, mailings from various organizations, and ephemera. Also included are 5 mini-DV video tapes, 3 CD-R discs, and one SD card with currently undetermined contents.

The business records of CDSPP are extensive, including mailings, notes, activity lists, meeting agendas/minutes, and annual reports. It also has responses generated by a 1973 New York Review of Books "open letter" advertisment, as well as records related to the organization of a March 1979 fundraiser with N. Svitlychna and Gen. P. Grigorenko. There is also a significant quantity of records related to the "Chetver" ("Thursday") Ukrainian radio program in New York City, including scripts, runs of show (with names and timings of segments, presenters, etc.), research and writing, sponsorship and advertising information, and other related materials.

Beside these, there are organization-related photographs, including ones that appear to have been taken in Ukraine in the early 1990s, materials related to Roman Kupchyns'kyi (including materials related to his funeral), unused UHVR letterhead stationery, copies of the "Informatsiinyi lystok" created by the Zakordonne Predstavnytstvo UHVR and the Radio Free Europe Research publication, extensive newspaper clippings and published materials.

In addition, there are personal and household records, correspondence (some of which may be personal or third party), incoming organizational mailings addressed to Salamacha family members, and Welhasch's funeral eulogy for Iaroslava Salamacha.


  • Creation: 1948 - 2012
  • Creation: Majority of material found in 1970-mid 1990s

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is unprocessed. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives to determine the extent of access that is currently possible.

Conditions Governing Use

Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.

Description Control

This collection is not yet fully processed and the information provided here is based on legacy collection records and/or a general survey. This descriptive information may be supplemented or revised as further processing is performed.


4.0 Linear Feet

Language of Materials





Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository

63 4th Ave.
New York NY 10003-5202 USA