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Luka Lutsiv papers

Identifier: 154

Scope and Contents

This collection includes personal documents of Luka and Oleksandra Lutsiv, correspondence, articles and reviews, research materials, and 135 photographs.


  • Creation: 1919 - 1985

Biographical / Historical

Luka Lutsiv was a Ukrainian literary scholar, critic, educator, and a full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. He was born in the village of Hrushiv,today Drohobych raion, L'viv oblast, Ukraine in 1895 and died in 1984 in Philadelphia. He studied in Prague at the Ukrainian Free University (1921-1926) and at the Charles University with a Ph.D. dissertation on Taras Shevchenko (1926). From 1927 to 1944 he worked as a teacher in Galicia. As a postwar refugee he taught in displaced persons camps in Bavaria before settling in New York City in 1949. From 1952 to 1970 he worked as an editor for the daily newspaper Svoboda. He published literary articles and hundreds of book reviews in Galician and émigré periodicals and scholarly serials and wrote books on the writers M. Shashkevych (1963), O. Kobylians’ka (1963), T. Shevchenko (1964), I. Franko (1967), and V. Stefanyk (1971). He also edited two books of articles on Drohobych region (1973, 1978). A selection of his articles and reviews from 1925 with a bibliography and autobiography appeared in 1982 as Literatura i Zhyttia (Literature and Life).

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is unprocessed. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives to determine the extent of access that is currently possible.

Conditions Governing Use

Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.

Description Control

The information here is based on legacy accession files and descriptions, and it has not necessarily been verified against the actual archival materials. It is provided in order to facilitate maximal accessibility for researchers. Please contact the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives with questions or requests for clarification.


2.5 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository

63 4th Ave.
New York NY 10003-5202 USA