Collection of Ievshan Zillia samvydav materials
Scope and Contents
This collection contains one original bound typescript of issue #3 (1988) of the "samvydav" almanac "Ievshan-Zillia", along with photocopies of additional issues and galley proofs of a typeset edition of some of the almanac (possibly produced by Prolog).
- Creation: 1987-1988 and undated
Biographical / Historical
“Yevshan-Zillia” was a "samvydav" (Rus. "samizdat") typewritten illustrated literary and social almanac published by Ukrainian intellectuals in Lviv between 1987 to 1990. Among the authors and editors of the almanac were well-known L'viv intellectuals and dissidents, incluidng Iaroslav Dashkevych, Iulian Red'ko, Iryna and Ihor Kalynets', Mykhailo Osadchyi, Bohdan Horyn', Ivan Hrechko, Iaroslav Hnativ, and Roman Figol'. The almanacs were created on typewriters in 5 copies, one of which was left for further photocopying, while the remaining 4 copies were bound in hardcover and distributed in a narrow circle of L'viv intellectuals. Copies were sent abroad in various ways to the Ukrainian diaspora. The illustrative material was photographs and photocopies. Each issue was typically 300-350 typewritten pages. The editorial staff changed over time. Iryna Kalynets was responsible for the first 3 issues, Valentyn Stetsiuk for the 4th issue, Ihor Kalynets for the 5th issue, and Mykola Zharkykh for the 6th issue.
Conditions Governing Access
This collection has no restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Researchers may take photographs of archival items using hand-held cameras or smart phones without flash subject to restrictions. The responsibility to secure permissions from all relevant copyright owners rests with the patron. Please visit the main website to view the full archives use policy.
Description Control
The title of this collection was changed from "Ievshan zillia collection" to "Collection of Ievshan Zillia samvydav materials" by Michael Andrec in 2024.
1 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society Archives Repository